Weed Control 15% Savings. Check Out our New Weed Control Program Offer!
We are currently Scheduling Round #2 of our Treatment Program:

Green Grass Lawn and Sprinklers can provide you the necessary lawn care weed control plan to manage both of these pesky lawn-invaders. These are two nasty, invasive weeds that no one wants to see in their grass. However, the treatment of each is very different.
Crabgrass requires a pre-emergent control, meaning it must be treated before it germinates, or it is VERY difficult to control. That is why Green Grass has a lawn care plan that provides both an Early Spring and a Late Spring Crabgrass Preventor.
Dandelions can only be treated once they have germinated, or started growing. Once they are growing they are relatively easy to control. It takes 2 weeks for each treatment to fully take effect, so let us know if you had a treatment 2 weeks ago and are seeing new dandelions. We can come back out and retreat.
As always, the best defense against all weeds is a healthy lawn.  A few easy steps really helps keep weeds out. Mow tall 3.5 to 4 inches high, or your highest mower setting,- don’t ‘scalp’ the edges of your lawn with the line trimmer. Use Green Grass to feed your grass to keep it strong. Call us, any time you have a question.