Landscape Maintenance
Pricing Tables

Cut back perennials-Spring
Shrub & groundcover trimming
Beds weed pre-emergent-Spring
Remove unwanted growth
Top dress beds with mulch
Natural bed edging
Post herbicide treatment (3 Visits)
Flower pot arrange spring & fall
Shrub & Tree insect inspections

Package Benefits & Payments
You can now budget your outdoor property maintenance expenses like your other monthly living expenses.
See our package monthly payment plans below.
Platinum “The Best”
This plan will provide the same benefits as the Gold plan and more. This is for a homeowner who really enjoys and cares about their outdoor environment looking well manicured. In the Spring we will install a colorful annual flowers arrangement in 2 flower pots (16-18″) of choice. We will come back in fall and remove the flower arrangement and replace with a colorful fall annuals arrangement. This plan also includes another visit in late spring/early summer to trim any shrubs that need trimming such as faster growing shrubs. Monitor Shrubs for Insect infestation, estimate provided when treatment is needed. Remove unwanted growth such as weeds and suckers bi-weekly from shrubs, lower tree trunks, rock & mulch bed areas.
Platinum payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March-October (8 payments). The service “Remove unwanted growth” is separately billed by the hour after each service. Extra “Post Herbicide” needed above what is included in your plan, will be billed by the gallon.
Gold “Better”
The gold plan will provide the same benefits as the silver plan. We will perform more of spring time enhancement for the landscape by refreshing the existing mulch with new fresh mulch and sharpening the edges of the mulch beds between the lawn and the bed, giving the beds a new sharp look for the season. Remove unwanted growth such as weeds and suckers from the shrubs, lower tree trunks, rock & mulch beds on your property 5 times through season. Combining hand work and post emergent chemical control (3 times during season)
Gold payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March-October (8 payments). The service “Remove unwanted growth” is separately billed by the hour after each service. Extra “Post Herbicide” needed above what is included in your plan, will be billed by the gallon.
Silver “Good”
The silver plan will provide proper trimming and cutting back of plant material in the landscape beds throughout the season promoting healthy growth. Weed prevention application in bed areas. Cut back and clean up plants dead foliage left behind from their dormant state through the winter. Keep shrubs to a controlled shape throughout the season Spring & Fall. Removal of unwanted growth: suckers, weeds, and dead material and debris in bed areas and shrubs (Spring & Fall)
Silver payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March & April, September & October (4 payments). The service “Remove unwanted growth” is separately billed from monthly payments by the hour after each service.
Service Benefits, Schedule, & Procedures
(Included in Silver, Gold or Platinum packages):
Cut Back Perennials
The dead foliage left behind from the dormancy of all perennials flowers and perennial grasses such as dwarf maiden grass. Will be cut back to near the ground. Pick up all debris from bed areas left behind from cutting them back. The new foliage will emerge from the roots of the plant in the Spring of each season. It’s important this task is done at the right time of the season so your plants look nice and healthy for the new season.
Beds weed pre emergent
We apply a granular strong pre emergent to all the mulch beds, rock beds, and groundcover bed areas. We apply this product right over the plants in the areas as well. This creates a barrier for weeds similar to a pre emergent that goes down on the lawn in the spring. Helping manage the weed control in the bed areas. Scheduled: March-April, and late May if you want a second round for extra control through the summer.
Top Dress Beds With Mulch
Scheduled March-April (Gold package or higher). This task can be done any time through the year. Typically done between March-November. All existing beds and tree rings with mulch: 1st step we will prep the beds for the new layer of mulch by raking all the mulch from the edges back further in the bed area, if you are signed up bed edging along grass then we will cut out new natural edges to 3-4″ depth, install 1.5″-2″ layer of new color enhanced mulch of your choice over the existing mulch. All mulch will be blown off hard surfaces back onto the mulch beds for a nice clean look. In cases where a property hasn’t had mulch added for 2 years or more may need additional mulch. The bed areas should have a 3-4″ depth on them combining the old mulch and new or just new mulch. This will help control the weed growth in the bed areas, give your property a fresh look for the spring and summer season, and in many cases act as a canvass or backdrop for colorful perennial and shrub displays. We put emphasis on that the mulch be spread and finished very smoothly as we exit the beds.
Post Herbicide Treatments
Scheduled April-October 3 visits in the Gold package we suggest 6 visits for the best control. Any growth along the curb lines along streets and parking lots, cracks in driveways and parking lots, sidewalks, river rock bed areas, and bed areas where weeding by hand is not cost effective. Growth sprayed you should start to see dying off anywhere from 3-10days. This kills the sucker or weed back to the root system through it’s foliage.
Shrub & Tree Insect Inspection
Scheduled late May & late June. We will monitor the existing shrubs and upright evergreen trees for insect infestation. A typical pest to a variety of evergreens is bag worms in our area. Once there is evidence of them on any shrubs or tree, the proper treatment should take place to protect that shrub or tree. Any evergreen infested with bagworms could die within a couple of months. If we find any evidence of insects infestation needing treatment we will get you a proposal with the proper treatment and cost.
Shrub & Groundcover Trimming
Spring, Summer, & Fall (3 visits): All shrubs, upright evergreen trees, and groundcovers shall be pruned on the property. Trimming to develop the natural form of the plant with emphasis on leaving a smooth surface and rounded shapes. Groundcover will be cut back away from house and pruned away from wrapping trees and shrubs and kept cut back from growing over bed edges and sidewalk edges. Dead and/or broken wood will be pruned out as needed during this service. We schedule this service mid to late May, July, & mid to late September. If you have a desired style for the shrubs such as boxed instead of rounded we can accommodate your requests when we get you set up.
Remove Unwanted Growth
Scheduled March-October. We will inspect all your bed areas mulch, groundcover, river rocks, bushes, and trees. Removing the suckers that grow off the base of a tree trunk or out of the ground from shallow roots, remove weeds from all plants, shrubs and bed areas by hand. We look at the shrubs for those slightly suckers or vines that can grow right from the middle of a shrub. Remove dead foliage from flowers and plants that’s died back from the summer heat or stress. We will use post herbicide combined with the removal by hand to successfully keep the weeds and unwanted growth to a minimum.
Natural Bed Edging Along Mulch Beds
Scheduled March-April (Gold package & higher) & anytime top dressing beds with mulch needs to be done. We will rake back the mulch from edges where the mulch bed edges but up to the lawn areas. Cutting out a 3-4″ deep vertical edge and then removing the soil from the edge blending the edge with the grade of the mulch bed. We will slightly adjust the location of the bed lines when we see an opportunity so that they flow artistically. In cases where existing beds have metal, plastic or even stone edging. We would look to lower the grade/soil 2-3″ below the top of the edging on the inside of the edge so that the mulch has something to rest against without falling out of the bed area. This enhances the finished look of top dressing the beds with mulch. If you want the best looking mulch job you can get you should edge the beds first.
Flower Pot Arrangements
Scheduled March-April (Spring) & September-October(Fall). This service is included in the Platinum package. Your choice of 2 existing pots approximately 16-18″ diameter size planting area. Install an arrangement using a variety of annual flowers from Spikes in the middle and tiring down from the middle to the perimeter with colorful flowers and creeping potato vine to grow down the sides of the pots. These arrangements take off very quickly they must be watered frequently and consistently to get the healthiest and most impressive looking arrangement. A great accent for outdoor living spaces and curb appeal.
Other Services Suggested
(Not included in Silver, Gold or Platinum packages):
Shrub & Perennial Fertilizer
Scheduled March-April & September-October. We will apply a slow release granular fertilizer around all shrubs and plants in the bed areas. Excess fertilizer will be blown off all hard surfaces back onto the bed areas. This promotes healthy growth in shrubs and plants and can help plants produce more flower blooms more often and more vibrant colors.
Annual Flowers Installation
Scheduled April-May. In bed areas designated by property managers or owners we will install flats of annual flowers with proper planting compost to give splashes of vibrant color in highly visible areas of the property. The flowers will be planted fairly close together to create a quicker impression of color. A good place to typically arrange the annual flowers are at entrances of neighborhoods monuments, along walkways up to front porches, flower pots, and areas of landscape that are highly visible from the road or even a outdoor living area.
Ornamental Tree Pruning
Scheduled in the Spring & Fall. Pruning low branches to keep a desirable clearance under the tree canopy. Pruning to promote healthy growth remove dead branches, prune out branches that are crossing or touching and controlling growth of limbs that may interfere with the intended use of the surroundings.
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Our team always ready to serve you.
Address: 11 S. Whitney St., Claycomo, MO 64119
Phone: 816-505-0190