Lawn Maintenance
Price Chart

Spot Seeding – Spring
Lawn treatment program (6 steps)
Mowing, trim, edge, blow clippings
Leaf & debris clean up – Spring & Fall
Verticut, rake, & remove thatch-Fall
Aeration – Fall
Seeding – Fall
Starter Fertilizer – Fall
Package Benefits & Payments
You can now budget your outdoor property maintenance expenses like your other monthly living expenses.
See our package monthly payment plans below.
Platinum “The Best”
This plan is designed for the homeowner who wants an exceptional looking lawn and does not have the time or the desire to keep up on the weekly maintenance needs of their lawn. This plan includes the same benefits as provided in the Silver & Gold Plan plus all the necessary services for establishing new grass at the right time of the season. Verticut lawn, rake up thatch and remove from lawn (Thin or bare areas needed or up to 40% of lawn), core aerate entire lawn, over-seed the entire lawn. Starter fertilizer will be applied after seeding to jumpstart the germination process. The crew that performs the lawn establishment services will verticut any extra bare or thin areas and will apply additional seed to bare spots over and above the 8lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. included in your payment plan. Extra areas verticut and additional seed will be an additional cost to your monthly payment plan.
Platinum payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March-October. Lawn treatments are invoiced after each application separate from monthly payments.
Gold “Better”
This plan is designed for the homeowner who does not have the time during the busy spring and summer months to care for the weekly maintenance needs of their lawn. An owner who enjoys being outside in their free time with the family and enjoys a nice green maintained lawn free of leaves and debris from fall and winter. This plan includes the same benefits as the services included in the Silver Plan. Additionally you will receive lawn mowing, trimming, edging & blowing clippings on a weekly or bi weekly basis. Lawn, landscape areas, shrubs, and decks will be cleared of leaves and tree debris once in the Spring and once in the Fall.
Gold payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March-October. Lawn treatments are invoiced after each application separate from monthly payments.
Silver “Good”
This plan is designed for the homeowner who might still do some yard work and still has time to mow the yard. This plan will allow the homeowner to maintain the grass height and leaves removal and allow for us to help with the control of weeds, fertilization and grass establishment. We will implement a proper lawn care program applying fertilizer, weed control, and insect control including a grub worm treatment 6 steps. In the Spring we will perform services to promote new grass growth and thicken the lawn by performing core aeration of the entire lawn, spot seed the thin and bare spots in the lawn from last season’s winter or summer damage. Suggestions from Green Grass to improve seeding results: Seed germination enhancement & Spring starter fertilizer. These services can be added to any plan. The spot seeding includes areas needed up to 30% of total lawn square footage. The crew that performs the Spring services will automatically apply extra seed to any areas over 30% of the lawn and make suggestion where to use a seed germination enhancement. Extra seed and installation of germination enhancement materials will be an additional cost to the monthly payment plan.
Silver payment plan: Monthly payments are due the 1st day of each month March & April. Lawn treatments are invoiced after each application separate from monthly payments.
Service Benefits, Schedule, & Procedures
(Included in Silver, Gold or Platinum packages):
Scheduled in early Spring & or Fall typically prior to over seeding the lawn. Prior to aerating we suggest flagging any obstacles in the ground which may be damaged from the aerator machine such as sprinkler system equipment. Aeration, one of the most overlooked necessities for any lawn. The process of aeration plugs holes into the ground punching through the thatch layer built up on top of the ground, allowing water, air, and nutrients to the roots of your grass, promoting healthier, sturdier, greener, and denser grass. If it can be afforded performing aeration in Spring and Fall would be the best for the lawn.
Lawn treatment program (6 steps)
We offer a six application program for your yard. This process helps keep your yard in the best condition for the entire season. These applications are designed to help fertilize for healthy growth, prevent and kill weeds, and help prevent and control pests that damage your lawn. For the best results it is recommended that all of the following rounds be watered in right after application with exception of Round 2 which is a liquid application. The treatment program rounds are all child and pet friendly. It is recommended to keep children and pets off the lawn following Round 2 until it has dried.
- Round 1: An application designed to prevent crab grass and other grassy weeds from growing in your lawn. This is also a slow release fertilization to help your lawn with a strong start to the season. Scheduled in early Spring.
- Round 2: An application designed to kill broadleaf weeds that have started to grow such as: dandelions, hen-bit, check-weeds, and clover. A second round of fertilization to help with growth, color and density. This is typically a liquid blanket spray. You should keep your pets and kids off the lawn until dry approximately 4-6 hours after the application. Scheduled in late spring.
- Round 3: An application of granular insecticide that targets the dangerous grub worm that can damage the lawn very quickly. Grubs typically will be active May-July in the lawn. This is scheduled in early summer.
- Round 4: An application of an insecticide to attack and control summer insects in that make their home in your lawn. While this is not a replacement for proper pest control this round helps prevent and control infestation of worms, moths, beetles, fleas, ticks and grubs. Fertilizer is included to help maintain its strength and growth through the end of summer. The insect control could be scheduled several times through the season for better control of annoying pests such as mosquitos. The insect control will only last about 1.5 months depending on how much rainfall we get that will wash away the protection. Scheduled in late summer July-August. Can be scheduled 2 or 3 other times upon request.
- Round 5: An application designed to help control and kill weed grasses and other weeds that could be reappearing in your yard. This round also fertilizes your lawn to continue to promote strong root structure, color, and growth. Scheduled in early fall.
- Round 6: An application designed to be one of the most impactful rounds for your lawn. This round has huge impact on controlling the weeds in the spring of the next year. We apply a winterizer fertilizer with a 2% slow release nitrogen that feeds the lawn what it needs through the winter. Giving your lawn the boost it needs to come back strong and dense with great color next season, when we start all over! Scheduled in late fall.
Verticut, Rake, & Remove Thatch – Fall
Scheduled in early Spring and Fall, and is typically scheduled prior to performing an over seeding of the lawn. Prior to verticutting we suggest either you or letting us flag your sprinkler equipment to avoid damage from the machine. Verticutting’s primary purpose is to rough up the ground and cut through the thatch build up on top of the ground which prevents the new seed from making direct contact with the lawn’s soil, which is necessary for proper germination of the seed. Thatch is a layer of organic materials over time from the cut grass clippings and other debris from the environment on the property. We cut shallow vertical grooves into the entire lawn cutting through the thatch layer. We will then rake the entire lawn by hand which removes most of the loosened cut thatch from the ground. Any areas that machine blades will not contact we will rough up by hand. The thatch will be bagged and hauled away. This process is one of the best ways to get new grass established in small problem areas of the lawn and even renovations of entire lawns.
Starter Fertilizer
Scheduled in early Spring and Fall usually following any over seeding service. Starter fertilizer will jump start the germination process and accelerate the growth of new grass seed and established grass. Giving your existing lawn’s roots a boost, it also improves your lawn’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. We also suggest applying starter fertilizer to the ground where sod will be installed jump starting the sod’s root development.
Spot Seeding – Spring
Scheduled in early Spring. During the service we will inspect the lawn for thin or bare areas and apply seed to those areas by hand. Installing a seed germination enhancement would be our suggestion to get the best results from the seeding: Seed germination mat, straw, peat moss or similar product. Your lawn can and will almost always develop some thin or bare spots each year for several reasons. The grass was damaged from extreme heat and drought from previous season, died out from not getting enough water, was smothered from leaf debris left on the grass too long, leaves left on the lawn going into winter it snows and the leaves freeze to the ground, extremely hard winters with low temperatures and drought. All of these reasons can contribute to the bare spots that show up in your lawn.
Mowing, trim, edge, blow clippings
Scheduled weekly or bi-weekly in some cases, typically starting in March and ending sometime in November depending on the season. The mowing service can be scheduled along with our tree shrub and bed maintenance service “remove unwanted growth weeds and suckers” from your existing landscape bed areas. You save money on a tree shrub & bed maintenance plan if you are on the schedule for mowing. We always suggest being on a weekly frequency for optimal appearance, bi-weekly frequencies will allow the grass to get a little too tall for any mowers to cut efficiently. Grass should be maintained to 3.5” to 4.5” tall and each time the grass is cut you should not be cutting off any more than 1/3rd of the total length of the grass. Our mowing service will include mowing with yard with strict emphasis on setting 2 patterns on the lawn and alternating those patterns each time it is cut. We will trim with string trimmer along the perimeter of the front and back yard, fence lines, landscape bed lines, obstacles in the middle of yard including tree rings, play sets, etc. We will blow the grass clippings back onto the lawn from patios, driveways, walks, streets, and out of landscape beds. We will even look for clippings that may have gotten to your air conditioner. All of these tasks, part of our standard mowing procedures, will leave your lawn looking manicured.
Leaf & Debris Clean Up – Spring & Fall (2 visits)
Scheduled in early Spring, Fall and late Fall as part of our Gold & Platinum turf care plan. Although this services can be scheduled anytime of the year if a property needs to be done. Lawn, landscape areas, shrubs, hard surfaces, and decks will be cleared of leaves and the various other debris that comes out of the trees such as limbs, helicopters, gum balls, etc. The leaves will be blown onto the lawn areas and mulched by mowers until they are mulched up enough to minimize disposal space, then the leaf mulch will be removed from the yard. Our suggestion would be to have the debris cleaned up 2-3 times if possible in the Fall this will protect any new young grass established and the existing mature grass from being smothered out by tree debris. In any area where there are many established shade trees, we strongly suggest against waiting until all of the leaves fall off of your trees for a one time clean up.
Seeding Entire Lawn
Scheduled in early Spring and Fall. We suggest over seeding the lawn following either Aeration & or Verticutting of the lawn. Included in our Platinum plan, we suggest that you over seed the yard each year in the Fall. Fall is the most effective time to germinate new grass seed, due to favorable weather conditions. We will use fescue & blue grass seed blend for sunny areas and apply a mixed shade seed blend in the shady areas of the property. We apply the seed at the rate of 8lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. Complete bare areas of the yard our crews will automatically inspect and apply extra seed to those areas, and we would suggest installing a seed germination enhancer such as; seed germination mat, straw, peat moss or similar product. Using a seed germination enhancer will retain moisture to the seed, minimize seed washing away from rain storms, and help control the birds eating your new grass seed. For the best germination results we suggest that you water the newly seeded lawn 2-3 times per day for about 5-10 min in all areas for about 2-3 weeks, then start to water the lawn less frequent and for longer periods of time promoting healthy deep root growth. Seeding your lawn each year will counter act the grass damaged from extreme heat and drought, grass that died out from not getting enough water, grass smothered from leaf debris left on the grass too long, and winter damage.
Other Turf Care Services Suggested
(Not included in Silver, Gold or Platinum packages) and can be added to any plan:
Lime Application
Scheduled typically in the Fall (September-October) along with grass establishment services. Lime is crucial to restore the lawns soil back to a neutral pH level. Our soils around the area tend to grow acidic over time. Acidity is caused by different factors including use of nitrogen based fertilizers, use of compost, leaf debris, pine needles, or if rain water contained sulfur. A soil test is the best determining factor for how much lime should be applied to your property. It is suggested to let us perform a soil test or you may use a home testing kit taking soil samples from various areas of the both front and back yard to get the pH level. When a soil test results in a pH reading less than 5.5% a lime application is needed. Fall is the recommended time because the lime application treats your soil, not your grass. You are preparing for more optimal conditions for grass growth in the next season and lime can burn growing grass so you want to apply it as the growing season comes to an end.
Flag Sprinkler Equipment
Scheduled typically prior to lawn aeration or verticutting in the early Spring or Fall of each season. We will flag the sprinkler system heads and valve boxes by running the system and placing a flag by each component of the sprinkler system in the ground. Sprinkler equipment could be damage by an aerator or verticutter if not flagged. This can be added to your service plan, or you can flag the system yourself prior to us scheduling aeration or verticutting.
Soil Test
Scheduled any time of the season March-November. Soil testing is affective to get a scientific reading of your property’s soil conditions. It’s a good idea to get a soil test whenever you are having some problem areas getting grass to stay established, determine if you need to lime the lawn to restore proper pH levels in the soil, and to get a reading for any other minerals or nutrients that your lawn’s soil could need for the optimal environment for your plants, grass, and trees.
Remove Unwanted growth-weeds & suckers
Scheduled March-October. This service can be added to any turf care plan, and is also included in our Gold & Platinum landscape maintenance service plans. We will inspect all your bed areas mulch, groundcover, river rocks, bushes, and trees. Removing the suckers that grow off the base of a tree trunk or out of the ground from shallow roots, remove weeds from all plants, shrubs and bed areas by hand. We look at the shrubs for those ugly suckers or vines that can grow right from the middle of a shrub. Remove dead foliage from flowers and plants that’s died back from the summer heat or stress. Keeping this service scheduled with mowing service will keep a manicured look to your existing lawn and landscape all season long.
Post Herbicide
Scheduled April-October. This can be added to any turf care service plan. Or 3 visits are included as part of the Gold landscape maintenance plan. We suggest 6 visits for the best control. Any growth along the curb lines along streets and parking lots, cracks in driveways and parking lots, sidewalks, river rock bed areas, and bed areas where weeding by hand is not cost effective. Growth sprayed you should start to see dying off anywhere from 3-10days. This kills the sucker or weed back to the root system through the foliage.
Seed Germination Enhancers
Mulch Mat
Scheduled typically in the early Spring or Fall with seeding. Mulch mat is an organic woven fabric like materials that will decompose in our natural elements of nature. We will typically use this product on sloped lawn areas to be established and very thin or completely bare ground areas of the lawn. This mat will help keep the seed in contact with the soil, retain moisture around the seed for improved germination, protect the new seed from being eaten by birds, and will minimize rain washing away the newly seeded areas. The mat will be unrolled and stapled to the ground over the seeded areas. The new grass will grow right through the mat and the mat will never have to be removed as it breaks down over a short period of time.
Peat Moss
Scheduled typically in the early Spring or Fall with seeding and spot seeding. It is spread over newly seeded bare spots to help hold the seed to the soil, improve water retention and minimize washing of the seed from rains. We suggest only using this product in small bare spots throughout the yard as a seed germination enhancer. Using peat moss in large bare areas as a cover to the new seed can be an expensive project and there are many cheaper alternatives to this such as the mulch mat.
Scheduled typically in the early Spring or Fall with seeding and spot seeding. It is spread over newly seeded thin or bare areas to improve seed germination results. Straw has similar benefits as mulch mat and peat moss. Straw is not as effective for holding the seed to the soil or controlling the rain washing seed. Where lawn establishment budgets don’t allow for the cost of installing the mulch mat, straw can be a cheap alternative to improving results of lawn establishment.
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Our team always ready to serve you.
Address: 11 S. Whitney St., Claycomo, MO 64119
Phone: 816-505-0190